
As a caregiver, it’s exciting to see your child do new things as they get older. Understanding important signs and signals to look out for as your child grows enables you to make sure they are supported, and helps you spot issues that might need extra attention and care.
Quick Tips 1 min
Learn tools you can use to nurture your child’s healthy development as they grow.
Know the milestones. Learn about child development milestones , and track your child’s progress as they get older. Celebrate when your child reaches them and take action if you have a concern.
Practice positive parenting. Healthy child development is the result of positive parenting. You can create routines and habits that help your child learn and grow, like reading together or sharing a meal. Make sure they are healthy and safe, and show warmth and sensitivity when caring for them.
Screen and support. Follow up with your pediatrician about any concerns with your child’s learning, behavior, or growth. A screening can help you and your healthcare provider recognize and address any issues.
Article 3 min
Understanding Your Child's Milestones
Watching your child learn how to walk, create relationships, and develop their own unique personality is an amazing process! This is called child development, and you may have noticed your child’s behavior becomes more complex as they grow. Children have certain behaviors and skills that they develop…